Our Human Resources team carries out intensive works to reveal our aspects of employees that are successful and open for improvement, and to prepare development plans in that regard. By creating a backup system for each position, it is aimed to properly carry out promotions and assignments in the company. The positions that new staff will reach in her/his career are determined with a practice that is conducted by the employee, her/his superiors, and the Human Resources department, accompanied by development maps prepared within the institution.
Constantly being in dialogue with both our employees and their managers, our human resources professionals have engaged in many evaluation systems to support horizontal or vertical career development.
And with the Backup Meetings, which are carried out periodically, the measures to be taken to realize short, medium and long term plans related to our employees' careers are emphasized, and the infrastructure requirements that will enable them to successfully progress towards their career goals are determined.
An important factor in the career planning process is that the people first become aware of their knowledge, skills, potential, and skills, and then, question their interests and define their own development aspects in the first place. Career plans structured on accurate assessments play an important role in achieving the set goals. Some of the activities carried out in the company for this purpose are;
- Career Maps
- Backup Map
- Orientations
- Manager Development Program
- Technical Staff Development Program
- Internal and external training programs
İz Baskı is aware that it can only sustain its industry leadership with its competent and aimful employees. Therefore, it attaches importance to the personal development of its employees and to develop their careers within the company.